Savvy Says

<3 Savvy Says Love Life <3

Savannah Celeste Season 2 Episode 4

Hello and welcome or welcome back to Savvy Says! I’m your host Savannah Celeste, but you may call me Sav, Savvy, or Savannah Celeste whatever floats your boat and rolls off the tongue. As always take a moment to exhale and clear you mind. Someone that’s listening to this is feeling broken, alone or scared, but I’m here to tell you that everything will be okay. My favorite verse Romans 8:18 says “The pain you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming.” With that being said, joy is coming, and it’s coming soon, so lift your head up and stay in the game.

It has been a long time since I have posted an episode, but school has started back, I am prepping for a debate tournament, and it is competition season in piano so I have been really busy with not much time for writing. If I’m being honest up until about a week ago, I was dragging into the new year. I wasn’t excited about operating within my purpose, trying new things, or meeting people, I was just existing. Then close to a week ago I had a revelation. I started spending time by myself doing things like reading, playing the piano, and being consistent in my time with God and it has helped build my strength back up. There is so much going on in the world with political scandals, covid-19, and so many other things that it has been hard to find peace, but I realized that I was looking for peace in all the wrong places. The problem was that I wanted to people to give me what only God can. Only Jesus brings peace. If we put our faith in people who change like the wind, we will never truly be happy, but when we put our faith in God who is all-knowing, never-changing, and ever-lasting we will always feel a state of peace. That is why no matter what is going on the world, I know that I will have peace, because my peace does not come from the world, it comes from God. Inspired by these feelings, today’s episode is titled Savvy Says Love Life, and I want to talk to you about things that will help you truly love life, let’s get started.

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Savannah Celeste (@savvysayspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
🌺S A V V Y🌺 (@itssavannahceleste) • Instagram photos and videos