Savvy Says

<3 Savvy Says Passion Fuels Purpose <3

Savannah Celeste Season 2 Episode 5

Hello and welcome or welcome back to Savvy Says! I’m your host Savannah Celeste, but you may call me Sav, Savvy, Savannah, Savannah Celeste or Celeste whatever floats your boat and rolls off the tongue. As always take a moment to exhale and clear you mind. Someone that’s listening to this is feeling broken, alone or scared, but I’m here to tell you that everything will be okay. My favorite verse Romans 8:18 says “The pain you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming.” With that being said, joy is coming, and it’s coming soon, so lift your head up and stay in the game.
Savannah Celeste🌹 (@savvysayspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos
🌺S A V V Y🌺 (@itssavannahceleste) • Instagram photos and videos
Just starting with a few announcements, we have a new President! Congratulations to president Biden and Madam Vice President Harris! Like with any President let’s remember to pray for them and cover them in love and support as they begin this new phase in life as President and Vice President. I also what to take a moment to talk about Amanda Gorman. For those of you who don’t know her, but I’m sure by now most of you do, she is the youngest person ever inaugural poet. She read her poem “The Hill We Climb” at the inauguration and it was so inspiring. One of the main things that I loved about it was her undeniable passion, and that is what I want to talk about today-passion. Everyone has something that fulfills them. Perhaps you’re an artist and painting or drawing fuels your life, or you’re a singer and anything music related gives you a thrill. We all have something that wakes us up in the morning, that inspires us to be the best that we possibly can be. I am passionate about many things; the main ones being writing and music. Nothing satisfies me more than sitting down emptying my soul onto a piece of paper or listening to my favorite rappers tell their story through a song.  I truly believe that everyone has a passion, and today’s podcast episode will discuss my personal journey with my passions, how to find your passion, and how you can inspire others with it.