Savvy Says

Season 3 Trailer

Savannah Celeste Season 3

Hello and welcome or welcome back to Savvy Says. You already know I am your host Savannah Celeste bringing you our trailer for season 3. It is Savvy Says tradition to choose a theme for every season and season three’s theme will be curevball. This season is going to be all about what to do when life throws you something you did not expect. My prayer is that by the end of this season, when life throws you a curveball you’ll be able to hit a home run. Topics we’ll cover this season include: ways to motivate yourself, how to navigate friendships, how to handle a busy schedule and other every day issues. Now that you an idea of what this season will be like go listen to the first episode. Season 3 has officially begun, I love you guys and as always no matter how old or young you are keep speaking your truth!